
The Cold Fog

 When the fog comes, nature takes a dark turn. Creatures with sharp talons and beaks lurk around every corner and blank space. Every noise has a dark and sinister sense. The very fog itself seems to hide all manner of dark menacing things, things not in nature, things meant to rip and tear flesh. Even thin see through fog evokes terror and fear. Fear of the unknown. The cold clings to skin like a blanket, drops of wetness sit on wooden tables taunting one to to pop the water bubble if you dare. The tightness of one's chest can be the fear of unknown things that wish to slither along one's spine.

Life Today

 In those days, life was simpler, worries were not as prevalent. In those days, society had morals, life lessons, grandma figures on every corner almost, we didn't have to question her motives. In those days, respect was learned and earned. Nothing was taken for granted, life was lived, people were loved, times were cherished. Today life is complicated, worries are rampant, society has lost its morals, we question everyone and everyone's motives. Respect is just an Aretha Franklin song from the 60's, life is in the express fast-lane, nothing is cherished anymore and love seems to be lost. Life, today.....


 There is no one quite like Mom. You only really have one, unless you are adopted; then you are really lucky, you have two moms. She loves you even though your faults are showing; even though the dishes are left still dirty in the sink, even though your homework is not done from two weeks ago. She heals your small wounds with a kiss. She mends the doll you've had since you were 1 year old. She watches you grow into teen-hood, silently worrying all the while if she has taught you everything she needs to. She sits alone in the church pews the morning of your wedding praying that she has done right thru your short 25 years as she watches you start your life with him.

You Didn't Notice

 you didn't notice the jacket hanging you didn't notice the radio was not playing you didn't notice the keys hanging by the front door you didn't notice the note on the fridge door There were many things you didn't notice The most important thing you didn't notice was she was gone without a trace you didn't notice the cool air blowing around the kitchen you didn't notice the stove was off you didn't notice the barefoot print in blood on the kitchen floor you didn't notice the broken window pane in the back door you didn't notice the bloody prints leading away from the house most of all, you didn't notice the silence invading the rooms

Free Write---In the Quiet

 In the quiet, one's thoughts run amok, sound intensifies, almost deafening... In the quiet, one's mind wanders, amok, thoughts unbidden, loud, soft, pushy... In the quiet...

A Vision in Stunning_________

 Standing there, in white shirt, string tie knotted precisely, tailed coat, sleeves closed with brass cuff-links, crisp gray trousers, brown hair wildly flowing around his shoulders, his eyes sparkling, as if asking what mischief can I get into, his smile lighting up his (small) face, he turned a complete circle taking in everything in the room as everyone let out a collective gasp; he smiled shyly, as if embarrassed by their reaction.  After all, he was only 5 years old! He was, indeed, a vision in stunning proper dress!

The Unknown Box

 Oh brother! There's a ton of stuff in here. No wonder I hate this closet! Oh well, nothing to do but get to it...wait, what is this? I don't remember putting this in here. Could it be Dustin's? My good for nothing cousin, that can't be good! Well, let's pull it down and look inside. Geez! It's light, well at least there's no dead body like on Forensic Files! That would freak anyone out. Let me put it on the bed. I'll get to it in a minute. An hour later, it's the only thing left. Deep breath, okay, here goes...Lift the lid. Hey there's only a photo and a key. What the? The photo is old and faded, I don't know the people in the photo, and the key looks like a safety deposit box key.  But for which bank? and to whom does it belong? Hmm, a real life mystery. I put the photo and the key on my dresser. That was 22 years ago and I still don't know who is in the photo nor who the key belongs to.