The Unknown Box

 Oh brother! There's a ton of stuff in here. No wonder I hate this closet! Oh well, nothing to do but get to it...wait, what is this? I don't remember putting this in here. Could it be Dustin's? My good for nothing cousin, that can't be good! Well, let's pull it down and look inside. Geez! It's light, well at least there's no dead body like on Forensic Files! That would freak anyone out. Let me put it on the bed. I'll get to it in a minute. An hour later, it's the only thing left. Deep breath, okay, here goes...Lift the lid. Hey there's only a photo and a key. What the? The photo is old and faded, I don't know the people in the photo, and the key looks like a safety deposit box key.  But for which bank? and to whom does it belong? Hmm, a real life mystery.

I put the photo and the key on my dresser. That was 22 years ago and I still don't know who is in the photo nor who the key belongs to.


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